Friday, April 18, 2008

Hooter's, Tuscaloosa, AL USA Grease Fire

Published Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fryer fire empties Hooters

- Last modified: April 16. 2008 12:46AM
TUSCALOOSA | The Hooters restaurant on Oscar Baxter Drive briefly evacuated after a deep-fryer caught fire shortly before its midnight closing time on Tuesday.

"I never saw fireman move so fast before," said Don Graham, chuckling about the mishap at the restaurant, known for its attractive female servers.

"I can say that because I'm a tourist," said Graham, the mayor of a small town in Newfoundland.

The fire didn't cause any damage or injuries.

Graham said the restaurant briefly evacuated when the fire was discovered. About 20 minutes later, a handful of customers remained in the restaurant, which appeared to be back to business as usual.

"It was out when we got here," said Tuscaloosa Fire and Rescue Capt. Jason Jackson. Dispatchers recorded the call at 11:48 and said firefighters arrived at 11:53.

Jackson said the department checked the area and cut the gas and power to the fryer.

"They did a heck of a job putting it out," he said.

Hooters cook David Cole said he found and put out the fire after smelling smoke in the restaurant.

"I feel like a real fireman now," he said as he locked the door at closing time.

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