Saturday, March 29, 2008

Boston Massachusettes, USA May Require Certified Hood & Duct Cleaners

Hearing on certifying grease cleaners

The City Council will hold a public hearing before passing a law proposed by the mayor to regulate companies that clean grease from restaurant kitchens. The legislation, proposed after two Boston firefighters died in August in a fire at the Tai Ho restaurant in West Roxbury, would require formal certification of commercial grease cleaners. Councilor Stephen Murphy said yesterday that before it is passed, he wants to examine whether the city has enough resources to enforce the proposed law.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tandoori Wok, Sacrmento, CA USA Grease Exhaust Fire

Kitchen Fire Sparks Inside Downtown Eatery

Firefighters Kept Blaze From Spreading, Captain Says

POSTED: 1:37 pm PDT March 26, 2008
UPDATED: 2:02 pm PDT March 26, 2008
Quick work by the Sacramento Fire Department kept a kitchen fire from spreading to other downtown businesses Wednesday, Capt. Jim Doucette said.

A grease fire started in the kitchen of Tandoori Wok in the 400 block of J Street, Doucette said.

The restaurant's sprinklers came on, Doucette said, and city firefighters worked fast to extinguish the blaze.

There was no word about any injuries or structure damage sustained during the fire.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mulligans Restaurant, New Castle, PA USA

Published March 26, 2008 10:20 am -

NEW LOCAL: Mulligans has grease fire
New Castle News

A grease fire Monday night was confined to the kitchen at Mulligans Restaurant and Lounge at 1403 Butler Ave.

Shenango Township Volunteer firefighters were called at 10:15 p.m. and remained on the scene for 20 minutes, according to Fire Chief David Rishel.

"We were fortunate that a fire extinguishing system at the restaurant was activated immediately by one of the cooks," Rishel said. "That kept the fire confined to the stove and ventilation system and kept it from spreading."

The building and the apartment above the restaurant were filled with smoke, he said. The fire department ventilated the building.

Rishel said he believes the apartment is vacant. It had no damage.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Perry & Son's Market and Grill, Houston, TX USA Grease Exhaust Fire

Fire Damages Popular Restaurant

POSTED: 9:57 am CDT March 25, 2008

Fire and smoke have temporarily closed a Friendswood restaurant, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on Monday, a passerby spotted flames shooting from the roof of the Perry & Son's Market and Grill, located at 614 South Friendswood Drive.

Firefighters said the blaze started in the kitchen.

"Something in the grill cooking area behind the front desk is where the origin is and the fire marshal's office is investigating it at this time," said Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jeff Smith.

Fire officials said they believe it may have been a grease fire.

The building suffered mainly smoke and water damage. The restaurant manager said it could take about three weeks to get the business up and running again.

"The entire community comes in here. Everybody who works around this place -- everybody enjoys it. It's kind of upsetting what happened today," customer Michael Snoder said.

No one was inside the restaurant at the time of the fire and no one was injured.

TGIFriday's, Indianapolis, IN USA Grease Exhaust Fire $10,000 Damage

Star report
Posted: March 22, 2008

WESTFIELD -- A fire Friday morning at TGI Friday's restaurant will keep the business closed temporarily.

Westfield Fire Department was called at 6:56 a.m. to the restaurant, 14921 U.S. 31, and found smoke and some burning embers on the roof that came through the exhaust system, said Chief Todd Burtron.

He said fire crews entered the building and found moderate amounts of smoke and heat. The fire was in the kitchen near the deep fryers and other cooking equipment. Firefighters extinguished the fire inside, stopping flames from spreading beyond the kitchen and exhaust system.

Burtron said the fire was an accident and originated in a plate warmer.

Damage to the kitchen was estimated at $10,000, however there was no structural damage.

He said the restaurant will remain closed until the Hamilton County Health Department completes an investigation.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

TJ Ribs, Baton Rouge, LA USA

Fire at T.J. Rib's put out in minutes
Firefighters quickly extinguished a minor fire at T.J. Ribs, 2324 S. Acadian Thruway, early Saturday morning, according to a Baton Rouge Fire Department statement.

Firefighters were called to the restaurant about 1:30 a.m. after smoke alarms went off and located a minor fire in the smoker that was put out within 15 minutes, Fire Department spokesman Robert Combs said.

Investigators believe the fire was caused by a buildup of grease that overheated and ignited, Combs said.

Tai Ho Restaurant, Boston, MA USA (Grease Exhaust Fire, Firefighter killed)

One of the two firefighters who died in an August restaurant blaze in West Roxbury entered the burning kitchen with neither his face mask, which was found on a table, nor his radio, which was left behind at the fire station. When a grease-fueled fireball exploded from the ceiling, the firefighter tried to feel his way out along a hose, but the line led him deeper into the building.

The 134-page report contains 60 recommendations, foremost among them a call for companies that install and clean kitchen exhaust systems in Massachusetts restaurants to be licensed and regulated. The panel urged passage of a state law assigning oversight of the kitchen-exhaust installation and cleaning industries to a government agency that would hold them accountable.

The board's investigation found that the fire was caused by a buildup of grease that had escaped from a hole in the kitchen's ventilation system.

Firefighters arrived at the Tai Ho restaurant on Centre Street at 9:08 p.m. Cahill rushed through the front door with the lead hose and into the kitchen. Payne began searching the restaurant for people.

In the kitchen ceiling, the fire, which had been burning long before firefighters arrived, was starving for oxygen.

Cahill aimed his fire hose up at the ceiling, where flames could be seen next to the exhaust system over the stove. The force of the water stream dislodged ceiling tiles in the kitchen and the neighboring dining room, the report says.

Within seconds, a bank of heavy smoke dropped from the ceiling to within inches of the floor. Suddenly the fire burst like a giant blow torch through a hole where a tile had been in the dining room ceiling. The blaze descended on Payne and burst out the front windows of the restaurant.

Payne was alone in that section of the dining room. An emergency distress signal sounded from his portable radio; dispatchers attempted to contact him but received no response.

One firefighter, an officer, ran into the kitchen and yelled to Cahill and another firefighter, "Get out! Get out!"

The officer and the other man ran to the door and escaped. Meanwhile, Cahill shut off his hose and attempted to follow it toward the front door. But it was twisted, and he moved deeper into the inferno, where he succumbed to smoke inhalation.

The firefighters' bodies were discovered between 9:21 and 9:26. Investigators later found an air mask, with Cahill's name faintly visible, resting on a table in the restaurant.

As to the cause of the fire, the report says grease and combustible gases escaped from the exhaust system into the ceiling through a gap 12 inches long and 1 inch wide in a metal exhaust duct.

Investigators determined that the system was rusty, thick with grease, and had not been installed or maintained in compliance with state fire codes, the report says. The state of the system "directly led to the fire and the products of combustion escaping from the containment area."

State fire codes require quarterly inspections of kitchen exhaust systems and the cleanup of any grease buildup found. The codes charge restaurant owners with the ultimate responsibility of making sure it's done right.

The board of inquiry concluded that companies that install and clean the ducts should be licensed and regulated by a government agency.

The state fire marshal's office regulates and certifies individuals and companies that install fire suppression equipment in restaurant cooking ventilation systems, such as alarms and sprinklers, but not those who install and clean the systems.

Grease-cleaning industry specialists yesterday applauded the board's recommendation for a state law mandating licensing and regulation of the companies.

"It makes a lot of sense," said Steven Schlesinger, co-owner of Tri State Fire Protection and Tri State Hood & Duct, which cleans restaurants in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. "We're huge proponents. You've got to do this right."

Donovan Slack can be reached at

Friday, March 21, 2008

TGI Fridays, Hamilton County, Indiana US Grease Exhaust Fire

Early morning grease fire at TGI Friday's

Posted: March 21, 2008 10:51 AM CDT

Chopper 8 flew over the fire at TGI Friday's
Chopper 8 flew over the fire at TGI Friday's

HAMILTON COUNTY, Ind. (WISH) - A Hamilton County restaurant will close it's doors for the day after an early morning fire.

Chopper 8 flew over the fire at the TGI Friday's in Westfield just before 8 a.m. Investigators said the fire was caused by grease and flames got into the duct work.

The restaurant will be closed on Friday while they clean up. But investigators said the damage does not appear to be too severe.

Season's Restaurant, Durango, CO US ($4.5 million grease exhaust fire)

Durango fire started in hood system of restaurant

Posted: March 20, 2008 02:30 PM CDT

Updated: March 21, 2008 11:39 AM CDT

DURANGO, Colo. (KJCT) - We finally know what sparked a massive fire in Durango that ripped through historic downtown.

Fire Marshal Tom Kaufman says, the fire in the 700 block of Main Avenue on February 22 originated above the hood system at Season's restaurant.

That's one of the three buildings destroyed.

He says the hood over the wood fired grill and deep fat fryer area was separated from the rest of the hood by a partition wall in the hood.

The fire moved into the duct work, then to the roof area.

He ruled this duct work was not installed in accordance with guidelines.

While the fire suppression system in the hood activated, it was unable to stop or hold the fire.

Also, the attics over Seasons and Half Priced Tees had no fire separation, thus creating a common attic that allowed the fire to move from the building of origin to the adjacent building.

Damage is estimated at $4.5 million.

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Texas Roadhouse, Spring Township, PA, USA

Fire at Texas Roadhouse in Spring Township

No word on when the Texas Roadhouse will reopen in Spring Township. The restaurant was shut down today when a fire broke out inside. It happened at around four o'clock this afternoon. Officials say the restaurant emptied out, and no one was hurt.  They say just getting to the fire was a challenge... >> Some fire got up into the duct work, into the exhaust system and started smoldering some insulation that wraps the duct. So we had to take some things apart to make sure everything was out in to get tot that insulation area. >> The restaurant will remain closed until the Department of Health surveys the damage and gives the OK.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pasadena Fish Market, Pasadena, CA USA

Rash of fires thought to be unrelated
By Brian Day, Staff Writer

PASADENA - The past five days have been busy ones for Pasadena firefighters, who have battled six fires in that span, officials said.

"I don't think I've been assigned to as many (fires) in such a short time," said Samardzich.

Fire Department spokeswoman Lisa Derderian said the firefighters were up to the challenge, however. "This is what they train for every day," she said.

Firefighters responded to a fire at the Pasadena Fish Market, 181 E. Orange Grove Ave., said Derderian.

What was believed to have begun as a grease fire spread into the restaurant's ventilation system, she said. No one was inside the restaurant, which was closed for business, Derderian said.

(626) 962-8811, Ext. 2718

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Taco Bell, Deland, FL US
DeLand Taco Bell gone after fire; will be rebuilt


Going, going, GONE! — Here's the South DeLand Taco Bell as it appeared (top) by late afternoon March 13, and with "back soon" signs displayed March 12 and, finally, on the evening of March 3, after a kitchen fire. Now the fast-food restaurant was a heap of rubble. Taco lovers should not despair — the manager said a brand-new Taco Bell will be in place soon.

Published 3-14-2008

By Pat Hatfield

The Taco Bell at 1201 S. Woodland Blvd. will reopen in about 90 days, as a brand-new store, general store manager Kim Brown told The Beacon.

The store has been closed since March 3, when a grease fire flamed up from a deep-fat fryer, damaging the ceiling and roof. The store also suffered smoke damage.

Firefighters from DeLand, Orange City and Volusia County quickly responded to the alarm at 7:09 p.m. March 3, and put out the fire. The store was evacuated immediately when the fire alarm sounded, and no one was injured.

The South DeLand store, built in the early 1970s, was the oldest Taco Bell in the area, and corporate officials had already been discussing rebuilding the store, Brown said.

"They're going to go ahead and rebuild," Brown said. "They said it's going to take about 90 days."

She said officials decided rebuilding would be more cost effective than making repairs, then rebuilding a short time later.

Brown said she's been floating between work at the North DeLand Taco Bell and one in Daytona Beach, and so have South DeLand Taco Bell employees, as they wait for their home store to be rebuilt.

"It's my understanding it's going to be the same size. It's going to be brand new, so that will be even better," Brown said.


China Star Restaurant- Columbia, MO US

Wok catches fire in Chinese restaurant

A Chinese restaurant in west Columbia is temporarily closed after a commercial wok started a small grease fire yesterday.

Columbia firefighters were dispatched just before 5 p.m. to China Star Restaurant, 3100 Broadway Business Park Court, to a report of a commercial structure fire, Battalion Chief Steve Sapp said in a news release. The fire was extinguished by an automatic fire extinguishing system in the exhaust hood before firefighters arrived.

No one was injured. The wok suffered minor damage, but there was no smoke or fire damage to other portions of the restaurant or building, Sapp said.

Investigators determined that oil in the wok caught fire and activated the extinguisher system, Sapp said. The Columbia/Boone County Health Department also responded because the fire occurred in a restaurant.

The restaurant will be closed while the hood suppression system is recharged and the hood and exhaust system are cleaned, Sapp said. Management hoped to reopen the business later today, Sapp said, although the restaurant will have to pass health and fire inspections before reopening.

Friday, March 14, 2008

China Star- Columbia, MO US

Wok fire reported at China Star

March 13, 2008 | 10:06 p.m. CST

COLUMBIA — Automatic fire extinguishers put out flames Thursday at the China Star restaurant after a fire began in a commercial Wok.

The fire started about 5 p.m. at the restaurant on 100 Broadway Business Park Drive.

By the time Columbia firefighters arrived, the fire was out. No injuries were reported and no smoke or fire damages occurred.

China Star will be closed for a small period of time but the owners hope to reopen late Friday, according to the Columbia Fire Department. The restaurant will be required to pass a health and fire inspection in order to open.

Panzerotto Pizza- Toronton, Canada

Damage at Danforth pizzeria fire estimated at $75Gs
A section of the Danforth was closed over the lunch-hour yesterday after as firefighters battled a small blaze that began in a pizza shop and quickly spread to the apartments above.
Toronto Fire says the two-alarm fire erupted around 11 a.m. in a fryer in the kitchen of Panzerotto Pizza — located on the north side of Danforth Ave. just east of Jones Ave. — as a worker was preparing to open for the day.
The flames from the grease fire shot up through into the ceiling and it to ok fire crews about 45 minutes to get it under control.
The man working in the pizza shop was treated at the scene for minor smoke inhalation, but nobody else was hurt. The damage is estimated at around $75,000.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Burger King (New Zealand)

Burger King outlet gets flame-grilling

By JARED MORGAN - The Southland Times | Tuesday, 11 March 2008
JILL McKEE/ID 121498

Smoked: Black smoke pouring from Invercargill's Burger King outlet yesterday as firefighters enter the building.

Quick action by the Fire Service saved the Invercargill branch of Burger King from becoming completely fried yesterday.

The lunchtime rush turned into an emergency after staff noticed smoke building up around the ceiling of the restaurant at the corner of Elles Rd and Tay St shortly before 1pm.

The smoke prompted the evacuation of the restaurant while customers waiting in the drive-thru were also sent packing.

The nine staff working at the time stood on the footpath on Elles Rd as the fast-food outlet filled with acrid black smoke.

"It's just gone on fire in the vent, we don't know anything," one staff member said.

Invercargill Fire Service acting chief fire officer Neil Ladbrook said at the scene the sandwich construction of the ceiling and roof of the building was a concern because its construction meant "flash-over" could happen easily — possibly leading to collapse.

Two appliances initially attended the blaze with Mr Ladbrook calling a second alarm meaning a further two were shortly on the scene.

Elles Rd between between Forth and Tay streets was closed to traffic with diversions in place.

Firefighters equipped with breathing apparatus entered the building with a thermal imaging camera to ascertain the extent of the blaze while a positive pressure ventilation fan was used to evacuate smoke from the restaurant, Mr Ladbrook said.

Incident controller at the scene Alan Goldsworthy said the cause of the fire had been traced to a large extractor fan in the ceiling that had been disconnected to allow repairs, but a broiler in the kitchen that was not supposed to be used was in use at the time.

"It was in use causing heat to build up, igniting fat deposits." However, a spokesman for the restaurant brand's parent company TPF Restaurants Ltd disputed that claim, saying the fan and broiler could not be used in isolation from each other.

TPF Restarants Ltd general manager Glenn Corbett said once damage to the restaurant was assessed the company hoped to re-open it within a week.

Firefighters stayed at the scene for two hours monitoring the situation while damage was limited to the ceiling and roof surrounding the extraction fan.

Unlike other fast-food outlets, Burger King was not a franchise-based operation in New Zealand, being owned by TPF Restaurants Ltd.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Al Trullo Restaurant UK

Fire breaks out in Ringwood restaurant

DINERS had to abandon their meals at a Ringwood restaurant of Thursday night after a fire broke out in the kitchen.

Customers had to be evacuated from Al Trullo in Christchurch Road just before 9pm when a frying pan caught fire.

A spokesman for Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said two crews from Ringwood attended the blaze, which spread to the first floor of the three-storey property causing some damage to the upstairs part of the restaurant.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pizza and Pipes Pizza Oven Grease Exhaust Fire

A man with a pipe dream, and a lot of memories
Published: March 7th, 2008 01:00 AM
Pizza & Pipes. Do you remember it?

Destroyed Aug. 3, 1999, during a Tuesday night late dinner rush, by a fire in a pizza oven and fueled by grease built up in the oven's vent. When the alarm sounded, organist Sherrie Mael Gibelyou was performing the "Titanic" love theme, "My Heart Will Go On."

The restaurant didn't go on. Didn't have a sprinkler system. The organ's console burned, its keys melted. Not enough insurance to rebuild.

Two days after the 1999 fire, Dick Daubert gathered at the restaurant with former employees and patrons. A reporter captured the moment:

"I hoped and prayed I wouldn't see my building burn," he said, standing and hugging his wife, Margaret, while choking back tears near the organ's bent and water-damaged pipes. "We were going to be here forever."

Dan Voelpel: 253-597-8785">

Friday, March 7, 2008

Venus de Milo Grease Exhaust Fire

p>SWANSEA, M.A. (WPRI) -- Fire broke out early Wednesday morning at the Venus de Milo in Swansea. The fire started at the well known restaurant on the GAR highway just before one a.m.

Firefighters tell Eyewitness News a grease fire broke out inside the duct-work in the kitchen, filling it with smoke.

There were some maintenance workers inside when the fire started. One was checked on the scene for smoke inhalation.

Firefighters say no one was hurt. The restaurant should be able to open as normal.

Krystal Restaurant Grease Fire

Fire breaks out at Macon restaurant | Video, Photo

By Liz Fabian -

Macon-Bibb County firefighters put out a grease fire in the kitchen at the Krystal restaurant 2863 Pio Nono Ave. late this morning.

Firefighters said the small fire, which broke out shortly after 11 a.m., was contained to the kitchen. Crews remained on the scene using exhaust fans to clear the building of smoke.

Employees said they were preparing for inspection when they noticed smoke coming from near the floor. Workers and a customer fled the building and waited outside as firefighters worked on the fire.

The restaurant remained closed at about 11:30 a.m. Firefighters were waiting for a food inspector to assess the restaurant because a dry powder extinguisher was used to put out the flames, said Capt. Dewey Davis of the Macon-Bibb County Fire Dept.

While no one was hurt in the fire, firefighters did administer oxygen to one employee who was having difficulty breathing.

Restaurant executives expected to reopen later this afternoon.

Tai Ho Restaurant Thick Grease In Ventilation System

WEST ROXBURY - While fire investigators worked on Thursday morning to determine the cause of a fatal fire at the Tai Ho restaurant that killed two veteran Boston firefighters, mourners gathered along Centre Street to pay their respects.

The two firefighters killed in the blaze were Paul J. Cahill, 55, of Scituate and Warren J. Payne, 53, of Canton. Cahill joined the BFD in 1993; Payne in 1988. They entered the building with hoses in hand, believing they would find a "standard" kitchen fire. Instead, they were met with a ball of flames followed by the collapse of the roof.

Everyone is welcome to express condolences and sympathy to the victims of Wednesday night's tragic fire in West Roxbury by clicking here. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Later in the day, fire officials revealed that thick grease had accumulated in the ventalation system "for some time," resulting in toxic, combustable fumes. The fumes, according to fire officials and witnesses, quickly became an inferno as a ball of fire tore through the restaurant.

It was around 9:30 when he arrived at the restuarnt where he said he frequently gets takeout food.

According to officials, it only took two minutes for the firefighters from Engine 30/Ladder 25 to reach the scene.

"It's better to see what's going on," said the younger Dolan, whose mother said the girls just wanted to see for themselves what was going on after hearing countless sirens and smelling the charred dining spot where they too got takeout.

"You could smell the smoke last night," said Gallant before the girls told the elder Dolan that they insisted on staying "a little longer" while boards were placed where the building's windows once were.

Jessica Smith can be reached at

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Josie on the Look Out for Grease Fires

Sonic Restaurant Heavily Damaged By Fire Flames Shoot To Roof From Grill

POSTED: 11:16 am CST March 5, 2008
UPDATED: 12:29 pm CST March 5, 2008

KINGSTON SPRINGS, Tenn. -- Cheatham County firefighters were busy Wednesday morning battling a fire at a Sonic restaurant located off Interstate 40.

When employees turned on the grill, they said the Kingston Springs restaurant caught fire when flames quickly made it into the roof.

Firefighters arrived within minutes after getting the emergency call and were able to control the flames

Buffalo Wild Wings: Grease fire temporarily closes

MESSENGER STAFF: A grease fire emptied the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant on West Union Street at dinner time on Saturday, and it will most likely stay empty until Wednesday.

The fire was contained in the kitchen, but caused about $20,000 in damages, said firefighter Kenny Gilbreath of the Athens Fire Department.

Customers and employees evacuated the building Saturday at 5:21 p.m. Firefighters extinguished the fire, and employees stayed to clean up afterward, Gilbreath said.

The fire started when a can of grease was knocked over onto the grill and the flames that resulted reached high enough to catch the grill hood on fire.

Gilbreath said the grill, grill hood system and ventilation duct were damaged, along with the wall behind the grill and the ceiling.

The restaurant staff planned to have things in working order by Monday evening, said Gilbreath, provided an inspection of the fire detectors checked out. But an employee contacted on Monday said the managers are now aiming for Wednesday.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Kings Head Restaurant evacuated after fire (United Kingdom)

THE Kings Head Restaurant in Ivinghoe was evacuated yesterday evening (Saturday) after a fire broke out in the chimney.

Fire crews from Aylesbury, Tring and High Wycombe were called to the Church Street eatery at 6.30pm and stayed on the scene for two hours.At first the entire restaurant was evacuated, but after a risk assessment was carried out diners were allowed to return to one side of the King's Head away from the scene of the fire. Aylesbury Station Crew Manager Jamie Ewers said that the fire advice had been given to the restaurant management as the cause of the blaze was due to the chimney not being swept regularly enough.

"There was no real damage but if it had been left unattended it could have gone into the roof space and been quite a serious fire," he added.

The full article contains 145 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
Last Updated: 02 March 2008 2:09 PM

Buffalo Wild Wings Fire shuts down uptown eatery

Published: Monday, March 3, 2008

A fire that started in Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday caused about $20,000 in damage to the Union Street restaurant, according to an Athens Fire Department report.

Employees said a grease pan that fell onto the grill started the fire at about 5 p.m., according to the fire department report. The fire alarm system did not operate, according to the report.
When the restaurant opens again is up to the owners, said Athens Fire Department Captain George Klinger. Owner Harold Laughlin could not be reached for comment, and an employee for Buffalo Wild Wings said that they would not be releasing any information on the fire until a later date.

Firefighters found heavy smoke and fire in the cooking ventilation system, which also burned the wall and insulation, according to the report. The building sustained minimal structural damage, according to the fire department report.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pesce Restaurant Flames Seen Coming Through Rooftop Duct

Feb. 27, 2008, 9:25PM
Grease fire at Houston restaurant forces evacuation
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

Dozens of patrons were evacuated from the Borders bookstore and Pesce restaurant at Kirby and West Alabama Wednesday night after flames were seen coming out of a rooftop duct and patrons reporting smelling smoke.

The Houston Fire Department was called to 3029 Kirby around 5:49 p.m. and found smoke, but no visible flames.

A grease fire originated in a vent from a wood-burning stove inside Pesce and was contained inside the metal hood, said Asst. Chief Omero Longoria,a spokesman for the Houston Fire Department.

Wilson's Pork 'N Brats Grease Exhaust System Not Cleaned!news

Small fire halts hot sales at restaurant
From staff reports
Statesville Record and Landmark
Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Statesville Fire Depart-ment responded to a fire Saturday at Wilson's Pork 'N Brats at Signal Hill Mall. Russell Ledbetter/

Eric Wilson said his Wilson’s Pork ’N Brats restaurant at Signal Hill Mall was “having one of the best days I’ve ever had” when a fire started inside the vent hood early Saturday afternoon.“We were rolling and I had about 15 burgers on the grill” and four or five customers in the restaurant, Wilson said, when he heard the belt that starts the motor whining.“I hit it off and got that fire extinguisher,” he said.The Statesville Fire Department responded at 1:14 p.m., according to Capt. Frank Quick. Smoke and flames were visible from the Signal Hill Mall roof when firefighters arrived, he said, but they were able to “knock it down on the roof” and get inside the restaurant and “knock it down.”The blaze was extinguished and there were no injuries, Quick said.Customers we quickly evacuated, Wilson said. Fire officials had not yet determined a definite cause of the fire, but the oven vent “was long overdue for a cleaning,” Wilson said.He said he believed smoke damage inside the restaurant he has rented at Signal Hill Mall the past two-and-a-half-years was minimal. Wilson’s Pork ’N Brats is normally closed on Sundays and should be open Monday.