Tuesday, March 25, 2008

TGIFriday's, Indianapolis, IN USA Grease Exhaust Fire $10,000 Damage

Star report
Posted: March 22, 2008

WESTFIELD -- A fire Friday morning at TGI Friday's restaurant will keep the business closed temporarily.

Westfield Fire Department was called at 6:56 a.m. to the restaurant, 14921 U.S. 31, and found smoke and some burning embers on the roof that came through the exhaust system, said Chief Todd Burtron.

He said fire crews entered the building and found moderate amounts of smoke and heat. The fire was in the kitchen near the deep fryers and other cooking equipment. Firefighters extinguished the fire inside, stopping flames from spreading beyond the kitchen and exhaust system.

Burtron said the fire was an accident and originated in a plate warmer.

Damage to the kitchen was estimated at $10,000, however there was no structural damage.

He said the restaurant will remain closed until the Hamilton County Health Department completes an investigation.

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