Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tandoori Wok, Sacrmento, CA USA Grease Exhaust Fire

Kitchen Fire Sparks Inside Downtown Eatery

Firefighters Kept Blaze From Spreading, Captain Says

POSTED: 1:37 pm PDT March 26, 2008
UPDATED: 2:02 pm PDT March 26, 2008
Quick work by the Sacramento Fire Department kept a kitchen fire from spreading to other downtown businesses Wednesday, Capt. Jim Doucette said.

A grease fire started in the kitchen of Tandoori Wok in the 400 block of J Street, Doucette said.

The restaurant's sprinklers came on, Doucette said, and city firefighters worked fast to extinguish the blaze.

There was no word about any injuries or structure damage sustained during the fire.

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